The Hague Food Guide

By Jarmusch

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This time I took a foodie trip to Rotterdam. Even tho I work in Rotterdam and I am there every week. I rarely eat out there except for the takeout lunch sandwiches at Jordy’s Bakery and Hopper Coffee.

Fancy special menu on a wall next to the kitchen

For my work anniversary (I have been working over a decade there) my co-workers took me to lunch to a place of my choice. I didn’t have to think long before choosing By Jarmusch. I already have been there long ago at the location in Rotterdam East. I remember vividly I had the Chicken and Waffles. But Rotterdam East is a long way for a bite of lunch when you work in Rotterdam West. I was happily surprised to find out they now have a location in Rotterdam West a stone’s throw from Delfshaven metro, close to my work.

By Jarmusch is an American all-day breakfast diner concept. They have an extensive menu that makes it very difficult for everyone to choose something because everything looks good. They have pancakes, waffles, eggs, breakfast burrito, steak bun, burgers, salads, and sandwiches. Enough choice for every taste. They also serve filter coffee (Man met Bril coffee) refills. I forgot to ask if they have decaf. The first time I went there they did not.

I ordered a plain waffle that comes standard with butter and American style maple syrup. I added extra blueberry compote topping and a side of bacon and hashbrowns. The first bite was heaven. The kind of food you think, damn this tastes good! The waffle was made to perfection. It was thick and just the right amount of airy and chewy.


PLate of waffles tooped with blueberry compote, side orders of bacon on one side and hashbrown on the other side.
Plain waffle with blueberry compote. A side of bacon and hashbrowns.

The bacon is crispy and the hashbrown is perfection. For all the almost 24 years I’ve been living in The Netherlands I still lament that hashbrowns aren’t a thing here. Not even at McDonald’s you can get hashbrowns.

But if you are craving some good hashbrowns a trip to By Jarmusch is well worth it. It’s well worth it no matter what you order.

Plate of 3 thick round hashbrown patties
The most excellent hashbrowns or as they call it there ‘BJ smashbrown’

A hashbrown side order is 3 euros if I remember correctly. Considering the current price levels and other similar breakfast places. I found the prices here for the quality and quantity pretty good.

Everyone at the table ordered something different which gave me a chance to see what the other dishes looked like.

It was an enjoyable lunch and now I hope By Jarmusch will open a franchise location in The Hague. It would be with no doubt successful here. I would certainly be in 7th heaven if they opened here!


The people at By Jarmusch also have a strong branding game. When you order food you can get coffee refills in their branded mug. The mug is part of a well-designed diner where everything was chosen with attention to detail and waiters wear a uniform. When you eat there you get the whole modern diner experience.

Being a diner fan myself, I bought a mug to add to my tiny unique collection of Denny’s and Veselka mugs.